“I want to thank the man who this record is about, who I fell in love with last year. Thank you so much for breaking my heart, because you got me four Grammys.”–Sam Smith

Week 2: Things 4, 5 and 6.

Thing 4: What is RSS?

I chose Feedly because it seemed to be the most popular site for an RSS Reader. I have a couple different categories for the feeds I’ve now subscribed to: Cinema, Comics, Culture, Fashion, Science and WordPress. And some of the feeds I picked were: E! Online, Entertainment Weekly, PHD Comics, Post Secret, Fashionista and National Geographic.

The Hollywood Reporter even popped up with this gem on my Feedly Home Page:

I think these readers are a good idea. Who has time to scroll through every site you want to look at when the headlines are all provided for you in one spot. Very Handy.

Thing 5: Password Keepers.

Speak of the devil! I was just complaining about having to many things to remember. This will come in handy! I selected a password keeper and set up an account!

Thing 6: Creative Commons and Copyright

I went back to first post and found a creative commons photo of Katy Perry which allows me to post a picture of her on my blog without getting into any copyright legalities. Yay! & I added a Creative Commons Widget.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

I have nothing new to report on Celebrity Gossip at the moment. But I’m really feeling the quote by Sam Smith from the 2015 Grammys. It was nice of him to acknowledge he wouldn’t be there without the one who broke his heart. I listened to Stay with Me over and over again night after night when it first came out while I was working on my thesis. And if I hadn’t have done that…I’d still be able to listen to the song when it comes on the radio. But I over played it :/ At least I know Wall-E and Eva stayed together 🙂
XOXO FamousHardly
