Life’s a dance you learn as you go. Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow–John Michael Montgomery

Week 7: Things 16 & 17!

Thing 16: Evernote
1. Download and Explore Evernote.
2. Save a photo and an email as notes.

I saved a photo or screenshot rather of the new Hobbit Collection on Blu-ray. I’m going to buy that one day. When going to the cottage its nice just to be able to take one case with all the movies instead of 3 different cd cases with separate special feature discs. I also saved a simplified version of the email I got from Pier 1 and the coupon they sent me for 20% off an item! Yippee 🙂

This was an interesting program that I haven’t heard a lot about. I thought it might be like OneNote the Microsoft Office application but I was pleasantly surprised. Its cool being able to save just about anything you find and have it all show up in one place. Very handy indeed.

Thing 17: Google Drive and Dropbox

I actually use OneDrive for most of my document storage and this was because I tried to send a document in an email that was too big so I was forced to set up a OneDrive account and upload it. I’ve done this several times since. My problem with these online storage drives is that I am constantly editing everything I write or send and I never seem to be finished with it. So if I upload something it is never the finished draft and I don’t want to get confused. So when I can I typically email myself documents back and forth and delete the old ones. For something larger like photos I will upload them to OneDrive so I can share the album with someone.

I don’t know all the differences between Google Drive and Dropbox and OneDrive but I have one that I do make use of when the occasion calls for it.

UPDATE: Those doing 23 Things now has a document we are sharing and adding to thanks to someone’s clever initiative 🙂 . When you type “Your name is a…” into Google and see what comes up. I did “Amber is a as well as Amber is the”… Here is what I added to the document we are sharing and editing:

Amber is a…

  • “Amber is a mineral.”
  • “Amber is a poo.”
  • “Amber is a natural analgesic.”


  • “Amber is the colour of your energy.”
  • “Amber is the new black.”

xoxo FamousHardly.

I’ve been a little slack on my celebrity gossip, and/or dog posts. I missed the 10 year anniversary of Grey’s Anatomy a few days ago and it was also the 10 year anniversary of The Office (US). I find The Office very funny. I missed it while it was on television and always turned it off because it was reruns and I didn’t know the characters and thought it was pretty lame. But after plugging away at numerous seasons last year I love it.

I don’t know my favourite. Too many. 🙂


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