Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated–Confucius

14th Thing — Twitter

1. I set up a twitter account. stars_114
2. I posted my first “tweet” and included the hastag #23PPL2015
3. I found a whole whack of things to follow. Celebrities, News Sites, Magazines, TV Shows, Halifax Traffic, Halifax Public Libraries etc.
4. I need to post about it.
Hmmm. I’m not sure how useful I’ll find twitter. I haven’t even thought about joining it until it was an assigned task. I don’t really post things everyday. I think the last thing I posted on Facebook was in February maybe and that was because in all my years I’d never been to our cottage when there was so much snow. And it was like a winter wonderland. It was amazing. I love traipsing through snow banks with my dogs. But overall, I don’t feel I need to update people on the internet about what I buy or when I’m going to the gym or personal achievements or what my thoughts and feelings are. When they come up in everyday conversation with coworkers or friends I’ll share to keep those personal connections but other than that twitter is just one more social outlet I can’t keep up with and I’d like to try to keep a shred of anonymity if possible….

15th Thing — Social Networking

I already have a Facebook account (like every other person I’m sure). What do I like about it? I like that I can be “friends” with people I’ve gone to junior high or high school with. That I can keep up to date with their lives when we don’t see each other every day, maybe they’ve moved away or instead we just bump into each other every now and again around town. I like that you can post pictures and videos. I like that you can follow things you like such as Canadian Tire or Taylor Swift. I like that you can be in groups with people you know or have similar interests with such as a local sports team or a group for new moms. I like that these things all seem to be in one place.

What do I dislike about it? Some people do use Facebook like twitter. They update the world on every little thing they’ve done or plan to do or plan to eat. You can check in with where you are and who your with. I don’t like how people share terrible things like news stories or horrific photos that I’d rather not see. I don’t like how some people post things just to post things. My biggest dislike is actually how it has replaced other forms of communication. A sports club for example might have used email in the past to communicate but now everything is done through Facebook. There is a group where you post if you can make it to the game or practice and when team events are taking place. Now don’t get me wrong, I definitely enjoy everyone being able to post in the same forum with my teammates and have instantaneous replies it seems. And I myself am guilty of checking in somewhere, who I’m with, and what we’re doing every now and again but I’m trying to do better and not stare at a screen for any amount of time when I’m with friends and family. But sometimes I wish I could just delete Facebook and not feel the need to check it every day. It is a double edged sword I’m afraid. But my brother isn’t on Facebook and I know a few people who aren’t. So maybe it will be possible one day.

Is it just for fun or do you think Facebook can be used for more serious things? I don’t know how serious Facebook could be. I don’t think it has the appearance of being so. Depending on who your friends with on a personal level it could be very distracting.  But for a business local or otherwise having a Facebook profile could prove beneficial. It could bring some much needed traffic with “likes” and “shares” and people talking about being there or buying something they like. So perhaps for a local business Facebook can be serious and be a form of advertisement and self-promotion. On a personal level, Facebook does not seem overly serious most of the time.

Anyways, that’s what I’ve got for now. xoxo FamousHardly


Here was my last post on Facebook from February I think. This is typically a warm, sandy, blue water beach in the summer… In the winter… not so much. Rocks covered in snow, the water tricking under ice, big icy boulders, not the paradise I always envision.

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